Husband charged with threatening to publish wife's nude pictures

By Bassam Za'za', Senior Reporter
Published: May 19, 2008, 18:49

Dubai: A husband who dishonoured his wife by e-mailing nude pictures of her to her family - and threatened to upload them on a dedicated pornographic website failed to appear in court on Monday.

Records said the 35-year-old Jordanian husband maligned and belittled his 27-year-old Gulf national wife when he e-mailed her father and sister saying that ‘I kissed and committed adultery with her before we married'.

He also forwarded his father-in-law and sister-in-law two pictures of his wife in a nightgown and swimsuit and threatened to distribute her naked pictures among her relatives and friends and do the same thing among her father's, who is an academic, his friends and workmates.

A judge at the Dubai Court of First Instance will give the verdict next week after the suspect, a manger, failed to attend Monday's hearing although his lawyer submitted a written apology for his client's absence.

The Public Prosecution charged the suspect with degrading his wife and threatening to scandalise her over the internet by sending two e-mails to her father and sister including in them the nude pictures which he threatened to distribute.

"He sent my father and sister e-mails in which he threatened to publish nude pictures of me in a sex magazine… he also threatened to publish them among friends and relatives.

The suspect also sent text messages to my father's and sister's mobile phones saying that he will promote the naked pictures if I didn't stop calling his family," alleged the claimant in her statement.

The girl's father confirmed his daughter's statement and testified: "He threatened to design a special pornographic website on which to upload my daughter's pictures."

The sister claimed that the suspect said he would use his computer skills to publish the claimant's photos.

A verdict will be heard soon.


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