Suicide drama at Sharjah apartment

(By a staff reporter)

14 June 2008

SHARJAH - A suicide attempt by an 18-year-old Indian girl was foiled yesterday after timely intervention by Sharjah Police and Civil Defence personnel who managed to pull the girl back to safety from the balcony of a 13th floor apartment near Concord Cinema. Eye-witnesses said the drama started around 5pm when the girl was noticed standing in the balcony.

'She stood on the narrow balcony and her family members were shouting and crying in an attempt to persuade her not to jump off,' said Ashraf, an eyewitness.

'A large crowd gathered on the ground and people were seen making efforts to save the girl in case she jumped.

Police and Civil Defence personnel rushed to the scene and engaged her in a conversation,' the eye-witness said. 'While police personnel on the ground were talking to the girl, some CID officers entered the apartment. They distracted the girl and suddenly pulled her to safety,' he added.

The entire drama, he said, lasted for almost an hour. The girl's differences with her family were believed to be the reason for her frustrated act. Police officials were not available for comment.


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