Blake Lively

Underneath that cool exterior lies a shy gal
Underneath that cool exterior lies a shy gal

“The sex scene was really awkward. It was my first day, so thank you for that,” the Gossip Girl star said jokingly during an interview for Interview magazine. “I guess it was good to break the ice.”

Ben commented that Blake, who by the way looks glamorous and gorgeous on the cover of Interview magazine even in handcuffs, seemed “very poised and comfortable” doing the scene. She was “more mature than some of the crew members”, he says.

Blake’s secret to handling such uncomfortable situations? “I’m naturally very shy, but I was brought up in a way where I had to get up and get out of that... I have a big family and no one ever treated me like a child,” she explains. “They always treated me like an adult, like an equal. But with acting, I think half of it is just acting confident.”

Blake came from a family of actors but they were all down-to-earth. “I don’t feel like I ever had any sort of Hollywood upbringing,” she says. “I got to travel and visit my family on set. I got to eat craft service. I actually think that was the reason I got into acting: the free food. I literally remember on my first job being like, ‘Yes! I get to have craft service every day!’”


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