Elin Nordegren

Wow! Tiger Woods’ Ex-Wife Gets $750 Million In Divorce Deal

According to British paper The Sun, Tiger Woods, 34, has to shell out a record US$750 million to his ex-wife Elin Nordegren! That’s the biggest payout ever seen in a celebrity divorce.

Elin and Tiger were happy together once (Photo: Reuters)
Elin and Tiger were happy together once (Photo: Reuters)

What’s more, Tiger has to keep any single women he may be dating away from the children – three-year-old daughter Sam and one-year-old son Charlie – unless he intends marrying the woman.

There’s also a gag order attached – Elin can never publicly speak out over his alleged flings. Of course this means she can’t have any book or movie deals, which tells her side of the story.

The 30-year-old Swedish model landed with more money than she originally asked for after her lawyers proved that Tiger is worth more than US$1 billion.

Elin gets sole physical custody of the children but legal custody is split between them. Oh, and only married women not romantically linked to Tiger and female staff members Elin knows are allowed to be around the children.


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