Jessie Lunderby

Sexy jailer suspended for Playboy shoot

Sexy Jessie Lunderby. Image source:

Sexy Jessie Lunderby. Image source:

Jessie Lunderby - the gorgeous blonde 21-year-old Arkansas jailer who has been suspended for posing in a racy shoot for Playboy - has exclusively told, "I do not know what all the fuss is about!"

Lunderby - who had been working at an Arkansas detention center housing murder suspects and violent offenders - swapped her stuffy jailer’s outfit for skimpy lingerie to earn some extra cash.

But Arkansas' Washington County’s Sheriff Department took issue with the sexy images when they appeared on, and decided to place her on paid administrative leave.

Lunderby told “I was placed on leave on Sunday after the story broke last week, but I do not know what all the fuss is about.

“I enjoyed my job and had worked there for two years, but I don’t like the way my bosses have treated me over this.

“My friends and family totally supported my decision to do the shoot as I have always been interested in photography.

“The Sheriff’s Department told me I had to fill out a form if I was doing another job, but this was a modeling assignment, so, I don’t know why they are throwing a fit.

“I actually did the photographs several months ago, and it was me who told them about it, and they did not have any immediate reaction at first.

“The inmates where I work do not have access to computers, so, it was not as if they were looking at them or anything.

“When I was told I was being put on paid leave it was pretty stressful, and I don’t know if I will be able to go back to my job, but I don’t regret getting the photographs done because I think I look great.

“And my friends and family think I look awesome too.”

The sexy jailer would not reveal how much she got paid by Playboy for her racy shoot, although her day job paid her between $12 and $15 an hour.

She also wouldn't reveal if she is married or if she currently has a boyfriend, and was coy when asked if she would do anymore modeling.

Washington County’s Sheriff’s Department is still probing the incident before deciding if they will fire their sexy jailer.

Chief Deputy J.J. Cantrell exclusively told, “We are still determining what to do but I can confirm that she is on paid administrative leave.

“At present we believe that she was guilty of two policy violations within our department.

“Firstly, she did not sign a pre-approval form for a second job which she should have done.

“Secondly, we believe she may be guilty of conduct unbecoming of an officer which dis-credits the agency.

“It will take another week before we decide what action will be taken against her while all the evidence is gathered.

“At present it is to early to speculate what that will be – she had been in her position for the last couple of years and had done a decent job.

“I’m not aware if any of the inmates under her control have seen the Playboy images – the detention center that she worked at has a capacity of 710.

“There are all kinds of inmates housed there from suspected murderers to other violent offenders awaiting trial.”


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